March 2016

Natural Clay Material for Terracotta Facade Cladding

Natural Clay Material for Terracotta Facade Cladding

Natural Clay Material first and most widely used for producing potteries/ceramics, ranging from ancient ceramic utensils, bricks of Great Wall of China, Terracotta Warriors and Horses to modern ceramics (artistic ceramics, domestic ceramics and Architectural Terracotta) that people frequently utilize nowadays. Terracotta facade cladding – one of the most eco-friendly building materials nowadays – is made of natural clay by using wet extrusion and high-temperature calcification processes. But not every…

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Beautiful Architectural Decoration Material for the Ground

Beautiful Architectural Decoration Material for the Ground

Beautiful Architectural Decoration Material for the Ground Terracotta Clay brick paver has been used for paving for a long history, it firstly appeared on the street of Europe since the 19th century. After the development of over 1 hundred years, clay paver has been recognized as the best building material for paving by the architects and designers with below features. 1. High Compressive Strength. With a density of more than…

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